Cable Installation Support
iSURVEY can provide survey and positioning support for the full cable installation process. Prior to operations, we can perform route surveys; the results of which help to inform suitability for laying operations. During laying operations we can assist with real-time calculations of cable parameters. Post-laying, we can provide as-laid surveys to record the pipeline/cable status and position immediately after it is laid.
iSURVEY supplies ROV mounted cable and pipe trackers together with subsea positioning, video and/or multi-beam echo sounders, all with easy integration to GIS (Geographical Information Systems).
iSURVEY supplies in-house hardware and software to provide real-time calculations of cable parameters during cable lay operations. Our cable lay software uses catenary calculations and provides simultaneous calculations of cable parameters based on one or all of the following:
- Tensioner on chute
- Cable inclinometer
- ROV monitoring of touchdown
The derived cable parameters are:
- Tension on chute (max tensions)
- Tension on seabed
- Minimum bending radius
- Length of cable catenary
In addition, iSURVEY supplies cable counter systems including simple eventing for the cable operator. The cable counter is an in-house developed system and does include both hardware and software. iSURVEY also supplies in-house developed cable inclinometers.
iSURVEY has well established routines and very experienced surveyors to support any cable lay operation.